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Love in School [Review]
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Author:lovely_smile Title: Love in School Link: loveinschoolfanfiction.blogspot.com Reviewer:BangBangVIP Site: VST http://ver-sah-tyle.blogspot.com Title: 4/5 -Simple, but for me, it's actually kind of attracting. Poster/Background: 8/10 -Its kind of hard to judge when its not on winglin and there is no actual poster, but the banner is cute. Forewords: 6/10 -There was nothing eye-catching about the forewords. Maybe you could add a quote from the story, or an excerpt that will grab the readers attention so you more people will want to read your story. Plot: 12/15 - The plot seems a bit common, but thats okay because there are different ways to twist a plot and make it your own! Creativity/Originality:10 /15 -I think anytime an author uses even a common plot, it becomes original and their own. As for creativity, it comes when you add twists to the plot, which didn't to appear all that much in the story so far. Flow: 8/10 -I thought it flowed nicely, but the introductions seemed a bit slower than the rest. Spelling/Grammar/Vocabulary: 7/10 - A few common mistakes: "I like to play batminton and write during my spare time." The correct spelling is badminton. Other than this and a few other mistakes such as making things plural that didn't need to be, you did pretty well on this section. Characterization: 7/10 - The relationships formed rather quickly for me, but at the same time it seemed right with the flow of the story. Writing Style: 7/10 - Everyone has their own writing style. However, I'm not used to reading stories with your style of dialogue. I'm not saying I didn't like it but I had to reread a few lines every now and again. I think it was that even with the italicized lettering for thoughts, and the fact that I read kind of fast, I ended up thinking that too was dialogue. Overall Enjoyment: 5/5 - Im only really familiar with jpop and kpop, but mostly kpop. Either way, I started getting giddy when someone would confess, more so when it was Wang Zi. Sub-Total: 74/100 Extras: 3/5 - I enjoyed Wang Zi's character the most. He was the most standout character and made me really want to read more. Total: 77/105 (0 happiness)
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