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Trust [Review]
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Author: ava_lava Title: Trust Link:http://www.winglin.net/fanfic/ava_lava2/ Reviewer:BangBangVIP Site: VST http://ver-sah-tyle.blogspot.com Title: 4/5 -I thought it went nicely with the story, just not with the poster. For me body language, even those in pictures can be read a certain way giving someone an idea of what will be going on. One word titles always catch my attention first, but I can't help thinking it may be too simple and easily forgettable. Poster/Background: 7/10 -The poster is done nicely, and the background's nice too. The color choice gives off a neutral feel so it's kinda hard to tell what the feeling of the story is going to be and the fact that they are facing away from each other gave me a different idea of the story than what it actually was. Forewords: 7 /10 - Very nice~ You credited the graphics designer, and included the essentials of a good forewords. The filler was interesting, it definitely caught my attention but that may also be because I think similarly to the way Jaejoong does in the story. Plot: 11/15 - I think the plot is actually quite nice for someone into romantic, drama genres. Personally, I'm more of a horror, action, thriller girl but it's nice to read stories like this every now and again. The only thing is that I found it got boring after awhile. The fair bit of humor you mentioned in the forewords, I didn't quite find and there didn't seem to be any interesting twists besides Yunho being married, which all in all, I thought sucked for Jaejoong but that was it. Creativity/Originality:12 /15 - I quite enjoyed how the story was written. The details were nice. You have quite the vocabulary, and to me that was what I found so original and creative about it. Saying things in different ways can convey another meaning, even a deeper meaning. Flow: 10/10 - It flows nicely, not to slow or too fast. Spelling/Grammar/Vocabulary: 10/10 -I didn't see any mistakes here. Your vocabulary is quite broad as well. See normally, this would be the section where I am most critical and pick apart the story to find any mistake, but I can't find one in yours. Characterization: 8/10 -The relationship between characters and the way they developed was nicely done. I really enjoyed it. Your characters development throughout the story was quite appealing. Writing Style: 10/10 -Everyone has their own writing style. Yours was understandable, as well as enjoyable. The flow of it was nice and at a steady pace. Overall Enjoyment: 3/5 - I'm not a fan of boyXboy stories at all , nor am I a fan of DBSK but I do enjoy stories that are well written, that have a wide variety of vocabulary and details in which this story is a great example of that. The lake, or the ditch part of your story was interesting seeing on how you stated it was real. Those are the kind of things that make a story more interesting than others. Sub-Total: 82/100 Extras:3 /5 -For requesting from ver-sah-tyle,excellent details and your broad vocabulary and for my lateness on the review. Sorry about that ^^ Total: 85/105 (0 happiness)
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