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The Story of a Monster [Review]
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Author: Ishwarya Title: The Story of a Monster Link: http://www.winglin.net/fanfic/ish_siwonderful/ Reviewer: Tammy @ Ver-sah-tyle Site: VST http://ver-sah-tyle.blogspot.com Title: 4/5: The title is pretty much straight forward, although it could be improved. With just the title, the readers would know guess what the story is about in a glance. Poster/Background: 10/10: I absolutely adore the background and poster, it is stylish yet understated. The colours picked are neutral and is very pleasing to the eye, as well as the pictures used are also contrasting. The girl in the picture would change the readers mind about what the story is about which is a good thing, so that they are more eager to apply or read. The font is rather intriguing too. Forewords: 8/10: since you have used the forewords to post up the rules and such as it is an apply fic, it is understandable. However, the short intro that you have given us is very interesting; it has nice descriptions and feelings to it. You have done well to keep the readers reading or applying as even I would apply to an introduction like that. Plot: 13/15: The plot of yours is very unique. It is so far away from what I first thought of what your story would be and I think that’s pretty damn great. You kept it very interesting throughout every chapter and added something extra in it. Although, sometimes I get confused on what’s happening with Ishwarya or Siwon. But I’m sure you will add more twists into it as it is not yet finished. Creativity/Originality: 15/15: I have to give you credit for this because this is rather one of a kind. I’ve never read something like this before, except for yours of course. Flow: 7/10: As I have said above, I did get confused at some point while I was reading it, but nevertheless, an easy flowing and very understandable story you have here. Spelling/Grammar/Vocabulary: 8/10: I saw some grammar mistakes within some extracts of your story, and about a few spelling mistakes that don’t even matter. But it’s enough to distract readers, even if you didn’t even mean to type it wrong. Characterization: 10/10: I personally love Super Junior so the characterization is very well done. The character change in role was also well explained, you have shown how gentle Siwon was until that happened to him with that girl and also portrayed a good flip side to him afterwards. Writing Style: 8/10: your writing style is great, it is as if it was a real novel. Overall Enjoyment: 5/5 Sub-Total: 88/100 Extras: 3/5 Total: 91/105 (0 happiness)
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