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Six Years
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Author: Patzmelody01 Title: 4/5 It matches the story well, but if I were scrolling through random fics, it wouldn't have grabbed my attention.
Forewords: 7/10 It was very short and didn't give much information such as rating, disclaimers, warnings, title, author, etc. Plot: 14/15 It was great! I like the idea of Dongho reminiscing through his times rather than focusing on what's currently happening.
There's a lot of fics out there that involve most of the things you've described in here. Pregnancy, arranged marriage, enemies - turned - friends - to lovers, flashbacks; I've seen it all before. However, you managed to put your own twist into things and gave a refreshing read.
It was well thought out and although it's a one-shot, it didn't feel too rushed like most others. You elaborated on the dates of occurrence and gave Dongho and Sanghee time to develop a relationship with each other.
Not very many mistakes here. A misspelled word every now and then and that's just about it. Your vocabulary isn't too juvenile and your grammar is nearly perfect. I also like how you don't insert random Korean words into this. Most K-Pop fics have bits and pieces of Korean words (which tends to bug me). I like how you stuck with English and only used Korean honorifics.
It was hard for me to tell apart each character. If I didn't know who Dongho/Sanghee were, I would've thought they were the same person! Their personalities are very much alike and only had minor differences in their characters.
I like it. Not only do you describe the flashbacks very well, you also insert Dongho's thoughts, looking back at how he was before. Your writing style is very interesting as well as entertaining. You kept me wanting to read more as the story progressed.
One of the best one-shots I've ever read. (: I'm not going to lie, it was just.. amazing.
Extras: 5/5 3 because I loved this one-shot so much ^^ ; 1 because you're a great writer ; 1 because I love U-KISS kekeke.
(0 happiness)
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