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Kiss the Rain [Review]
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Author: 'Niii Title: Kiss the Rain Link: http://winglin.net/fanfic/_rainfall/ Reviewer: ctanonymous Site: VST http://ver-sah-tyle.blogspot.com Title: 5/5 It's simple, but it really drew me in. In the simplicity, I could detect a sense of melancholy and sadness, and it matches your oneshot well. Poster/Background: 9/10 You made the poster and bg yourself? It's great, not failtastic at all! It's simple and elegant at the same time, and the blue really brings out the 'rain' element in your story, and the characters' expressions go along with the mood of your story. I had no problem overall with reading the text, but that white strip in the bg makes it hard to read some words. Forewords: 10/10 It's perfect, I'd say. You use a lot of simple and straightforward sentences to summarize your oneshot, and it's not too much at all. I knew fairly much after I read it. Btw I just listened to Yiruma's song, and I fell in love. It's beautiful. Plot: 10/15 It...was okay, though it was entirely too short. It didn't feel like you had a "plot," really. The whole oneshot was basically just a phone call and an unexpected meeting. There wasn't really a proper plot. And not much developed; you lacked a climax, thus your oneshot was not very exciting. But I like how you described the rain and its significance throughout the oneshot. It was also interesting that you made HER the one to walk away from the relationship rather than TaeMin--typically, the guy is the one to have a change of heart, but yours is different. :) Creativity/Originality: 8/10 I can't say it's the more original oneshot I've seen. There are numerous oneshots that are about breakups and use the rain as a main symbol in the story, and yours is one out of many. However, I do like the way you included the phone call in here to inform the reader and develop the plot, and it's interesting how you did not elaborate on the characters' backgrounds like most other writers do in a oneshot. Flow: 6/10 It's actually really hard to grade your oneshot on the flow because it's technically incomplete; the scene doesn't provide much info for reviewers to look at. However, I do know that it's too fast. Everything happens really suddenly, and there's not much development because your story is so short. Spelling/Grammar/Vocabulary: 10/10 Very good. You had no grammatical or spelling errors. Your vocabulary was simple, yet it contributed a lot to the mood and feeling of the oneshot. :] Characterization: 6/10 You did a nice job on characterizing the female main character with her words, actions, and feelings, and I could understand her most of the time. However, you give very little detail on TaeMin. It's hard for me to tell what type of person he is. Writing Style: 8/10 I adore your writing style. It's very neat and organized, and your simple writing makes everything 'flow' and everything was extremely understandable. Your writing is really descriptive when writing about the setting and the rain, but with the characters, you don't give much detail. Overall Enjoyment: 3/5 I liked your oneshot, but it didn't have much excitement in it, and it was so short. ): Subtotal: 75/100 Extras: 5/5 Because you created such a pretty poster and background, and because this is my favorite genre to read. <3 Total: 80/100 (0 happiness)
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