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Thursday, January 10, 2008
Author: Sarapyon Title: Distractions Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/11961/distractions-kibum-korean-mature-oneshot-romance-ukiss/18 Reviewer: Sung.ii.ee Site: VST http://ver-sah-tyle.blogspot.com Title: 4/5 Title matched GREAT with the plot of your oneshot. Poster/Background: 7/10 The poster, on the other hand, doesn't quite match with your plot, but maybe only in terms of... if you take 'Distractions' as a proof for sloth and so is that guy looking at the waves. Am I right? Forewords: 9/10 Short and a bit too brief, too compact... But considering that's a oneshot, I can accept that! :D Plot: 15/15 LOL, LOL and LOL again. I kept throwing my head back and laughing at all those scene changes between the classroom and her fantasies! You could've developed the plot a bit more, since it finishes a bit too fast (B'awww!). I'd love to see a new chapter, or some kind of continuation xD. Creativity/Originality: 8/15 As much as I love your plot and I may be a sucker for those kinds of plots, I must say that the idea ain't that fresh and cool as I thought it was. Even though I haven't seen it particulary in one shots, there were certain chapters in full stories that had this kind of scenes. Yet, you could have added a couple of interesting twists and turns just to make it seem new. Flow: 10/10 Not too slow, not too fast. Considering that it's a oneshot, I loved it. Spelling/Grammar/Vocabulary: 9/10 Don't take the deducted point seriously, I'm a huge grammar nazi. A few unsesizable errors regarding the accord between the subject and the verb, ect. But I guess that's just a thing of fast typing. :) Characterization: 5/10 Even if it's a one shot, I didn't know how to portrait your characters, and I don't mean their physical appearance here. What kind of persons they are... and, you know. That kind of portrait. It's a single chapter, so I couldn't quite make a certain image over them Writing Style: 9/10 I love your writing style. You balance dialogue, description and detail perfectly, you make everything seem smooth and flowing like a calm river. Great! Overall Enjoyment: 5/5 As I said, even if I'm a sucker for that kind of stories, I kept laughing at those scenes where she kept changing from the classroom to her perverted fantasies... Goodness! xD Sub-Total: 81/100 Extras: 5/5 Just because I was in huge need of this kind of story. Thank you! :D Total: 86/105 (0 happiness)
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