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Just Another Cinderella Story [Review]
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Author: grapestrawberry Title: `` Just Another Cinderella Story `` Link: http://www.winglin.net/fanfic/grapestrwberryA/ Reviewer: i.love.joon. @ VST [http://ver-sah-tyle.blogspot.com] Title: 3/5 The title of the story is pretty common, and it doesn’t pop out at you. And one good thing is that it matched the story/plot. Poster/Background: 9/10 Your poster and background, well the poster didn’t seem that mystery prince-ish. The background was pretty clam and nice. Forewords: 8/10 The forewords was a bit boring to me, it didn’t have enough for me to want to read on, but on the other hand, you didn’t quite reveal the guy, until I got to the cast part of it. And one little thing is that the forwards can use a little more ‘umph.’ Plot: 10/15 Well the plot was sort of typical, for me it went like the move ‘Cinderella Story’ with Hilary Duff in it, but flipped backwards, with the girl not knowing who he is. The plot was boring, but what I thought was that maybe Junsu would’ve fought for her. Creativity/Originality: 13/15 I still thought that maybe you took the idea from the movie, but every writer has their own style, and adds other things to make it interesting. The one thing I like about your story was that she never expected it to be Jaejoongie, but in the end it was, and just one little thing that hurt me was that you made Donghae [my man] a bad person [personal opinion]. Heh heh. Flow: 10/10 The story line went real nice with the title of the story and followed your plot. The thing I really liked was that Jaejoong would always pop up and be with her. But here’s a little thing I didn’t get, “What the hell are you doing with him? You two are on a date, aren’t you?” I wasn’t quite sure what you meant. And one thing I liked was when you said Donghae dressed as a fish in honor of his nickname. Spelling/Grammar/Vocabulary: 9/10 Well you didn’t have many spelling errors, but you just had some small, very small grammar mistakes like instead of “I’m”, you accidentally put “I;m” And that’s all. Your vocabulary is real good ^.^ Characterisation: 8/10 Well Jaejoong’s personality was flippy, he would be a total nice guy then flip into a weird on and kiss her then flip back and forth. I also felt like Sunyee’s personality wasn’t that understandable either, because she was like Jaejoong. Writing Style: 10/10 Your writing style was real good, and you made the story yours. I felt like your writing could just change by the small errors then it would be perfect. Overall Enjoyment: 9/10 Well this was my first Jaejoong story, so I really liked it. And I like how Jaejoong would always kiss her, but she wouldn’t know what she’s feeling. And I felt like the ending for Jaejoong and Sunyee was slightly lacking, because he didn’t really fight for her much, and Junsu’s character didn’t have much in it. Sub-Total: 76/100 Extras: 5/5 Like I said before, this story was quite very interesting and I think you did a real good job. And this is my first Jaejoongie story :) Total: 81/100 (0 happiness)
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